How can I create a website by myself?

June 20, 2024

If you want to create a website, make sure you know this is one of the most important and strategic projects for a vacation rental business. It’s a project that cannot be improvised. On the contrary, creating a website requires meticulous preparation precisely because of its strategic importance for the company.

This article outlines the steps to follow to create a website, from the design stage to its launch.

How to Create a Website: For What Objectives?

For what objectives do you want to create a website? This is the primary question that will give meaning to your project and be crucial for its continuation.

Nowadays, any respectable business, regardless of its field of activity, has its own website. It is not only a dynamic and interactive communication tool but also a guarantee of credibility and seriousness towards customers. This tool allows you to optimize your company’s visibility and communicate effectively with clients. According to statistics, more than 78% of buyers make their purchases online. These buyers only trust stores or businesses with a well-structured website.

If you work in the real estate sector, particularly in vacation rentals, creating an online booking website is crucial if you aim to attract a wide range of customers, establish your online presence, ensure permanent visibility accessible worldwide, and above all, solidify your visual identity. However, the most common goal is to increase the occupancy rate by offering travelers the possibility to book directly on the site.

What Are the Steps to Create a Website for a Vacation Rental Business?

To create a website, here are 7 steps to follow:

  1. Define the objective for which you want to create a website

The specific needs of your business determine the type of website that suits it best. There are different types of websites, each corresponding to particular objectives such as:

  • The e-commerce site
  • The showcase site
  • The institutional site
  • The forum
  • The blog

2. Choose and reserve a domain name

If you are an investor in the real estate sector, for example, the type of site that suits you is the showcase site through which you can share multimedia content about your property, interact directly with clients, receive booking requests, etc…

Quality Website for Your Short-Term Rental
How can I create a website by myself? 3

Often, it is the name of your company preceded by www. and is presented as follows: The best strategy to avoid any potential confusion with other business sites with the same vision or interest as you is to reserve domain names close to yours. Therefore, consider reserving the same domain name with both extensions, .fr and .com.

3. Choose the right hosting provider

The hosting provider is the one who has the technical equipment such as powerful computer servers that allow the storage of data collected by your site.

4. Choose a Content Management System (CMS)

To create a website, you will need a Content Management System or CMS that will save you the headaches of HTML language. You can easily find them on the market. Some are free, but there are also paid versions. Many entrepreneurs, for example, prefer to use WordPress for their online booking site.

5. Design the website layout

This part involves figuring out how to organize your site’s pages, texts, photos, videos, and integrating essential features such as online booking, online payment, order validation, etc. This is the stage where you need to be creative to highlight the visual appearance of your site in accordance with the company’s graphic charter.

Quality Website for Your Vacation Rental
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6. Create quality content

Creating a website to help you achieve the objectives you have set requires creating quality content that meets search engine requirements if you want your site to be quickly indexed. Ensure that photos, texts, and videos are optimized. For more information on SEO techniques, follow our tips on

To get the best possible result, it is essential to call on experts such as a web designer, a professional photographer, a freelance web writer, or a digital marketing agency specialized in creating short-term rental websites.

7. Launch your booking website

After completing all the previous steps, it is now time to launch your booking website. However, make sure that all the essential elements are perfectly mentioned such as legal notices, general terms of sale, etc.

Who to Call to Create a Quality Website?

For the project of creating a quality website for your business, call on a digital marketing agency. Calessia Digital is a trusted and reputable provider with over a decade of experience, consisting of a team of web development experts with all the skills to create a quality website.

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