What is a website performance audit service?

June 20, 2024

Find out what is a website performance audit and what can you expect

A website performance audit is a marketing service made to understand which aspects of your website work, which do not, and what can you do to improve performance. It is important to understand what is website performance.

A marketing website performance means defining clear objectives of what you want to achieve with your website (sales, leads, or, for example, brand awareness) and count-measure This requires continuous investment, both in terms of personal efforts for regular updates and financially to keep it active and performing. However, despite a significant financial investment in creating a website to increase visibility and reputation, many entrepreneurs fail to achieve the expected results. Indeed, the site becomes ineffective in terms of engagement and converting visitors into customers.

A website whose potential has not been fully exploited can only show a low conversion rate. In this article, you will get an overview of the probable causes of your site’s inefficiency and how to conduct a website performance audit to solve this kind of problem.

An Underperforming Website: What’s Wrong?

Understanding why your website is not delivering the expected results is essential for an entrepreneur. Before embarking on creating a website, a clear objective must be established to motivate the marketing strategy, but the results are not always forthcoming for many reasons. The ineffective performance of a website can stem from several factors.

1. Technical SEO Issues

Technical SEO issues are one of the main reasons your website is underperforming. It is a technique aimed at generating web traffic to rank your site on search engines like Google. Besides poorly optimized content and irrelevant keywords, it is important to carefully choose the files to integrate into your site, such as the txt file, for Google to easily recognize and display pages with optimized content in search results.

Additionally, a website must also be responsive, meaning it should be readable regardless of the device used (PC, tablet, or mobile phone). These technical problems are the cause of your site’s inefficiency. To understand the importance of conducting a website performance audit for your business, you can read here our dedicated article on this topic.

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What is a website performance audit service? 2

2. Slow Loading Speed

When users visit a website, the page loading time is crucial for the rest of the visit. If at the first click, a page takes more than 30 seconds to respond, the other pages are likely to be abandoned because internet users, who are potential clients for your vacation rental business, may be very busy and do not have enough time to linger on a poorly optimized site.

3. Unsecured Website

After auditing your company’s website performance, it may turn out that the site is not secure. This problem can handicap you in terms of web traffic and conversion because if you do not use the HTTPS protocol, Google sends a signal to users informing them that the site is not secure. However, a vacation rental site, for example, must ensure optimal security, especially with the HTTPS protocol, as it handles personal and confidential information during online transactions for bookings.

A Poorly Optimized Website: How to Fix It?

Problems with ergonomic presentation, design, security, or poorly optimized content? We recommend using this Free Google Page Speed Insights tool that may help you understand the current performance of your website. Whatever the reasons preventing your site from being efficient, seek help from a marketing agency expert in the field to evaluate and measure the site’s effectiveness. Maintaining a continuously optimized website requires a highly effective tailored strategy developed by professional marketing agencies. These experts provide a comprehensive diagnostic to audit your company’s underperforming website by examining all its technical aspects, as it is crucial to offer a better user experience.

How to Find a Professional Marketing Agency for a Website Performance Audit?

Investing in a website already shows a real desire to succeed. It demonstrates that you recognize the crucial importance of the website in digital marketing to increase your visibility. However, if despite an investment of $3000 in creating your site, its performance remains unsatisfactory, consider conducting a website performance audit for your business to improve its visibility and SEO. Know that a site not subjected to an adequate performance audit already compromises a significant part of the success of your vacation rental business. If you need assistance in conducting a website performance audit for your business, do not hesitate to contact us.

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